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International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice

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Statutes of the Competition

I. Fundamental Provisions

(1)   Characterization of the Competition
The competition "International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice" (hereinafter "ICEFA") is organized annually by the Lidice Memorial to commemorate the Lidice children who were separated from their parents after the destruction of the village of Lidice on 10 June 1942. With 81 children killed by the Nazi in an extermination camp, only 17 children survived to see the end of the war. The main purpose of the competition is to provide opportunity to children from Czechia and abroad for expressing visually their desire for living in the world without wars, to contribute to the development of children's creativity in artistic work and to foster international cooperation. Selected works by children are presented at the International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice, founded in 1972, and possibly at other events.

(2)   Organizer
The organizer of the exhibition is the Lidice Memorial, semi-budgetary organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, based at the following address: ICEFA Lidice, Lidice Memorial, Lidice Gallery, Tokajická 152, 273 54 Lidice, email:; (hereinafter "the Organizer“).

(3)   Auspices and Support
The exhibition is held under the auspices and with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, the Czech Commission for UNESCO and the Czech Centres.

(4)   Theme of the Exhibition
The theme for a given year of the competition is set by the organizer of the competition according to the recommendation of UNESCO, taking into account topical international anniversaries and events supported by the UN. The selected theme of a new year is announced at the opening ceremony of the current year.

II. Competition

(1)   Eligibility
The competition is meant for children from 4 to 16 years of age from all over the world and for handicapped people without an age limit. In such case, the identification of the entry shall clearly show that it has been created by a handicapped entrant. Such entries will be labelled by the Organizer with "no age given". Eligible for participation are works by children from schools and preschool facilities as well as individuals. The competition has two rounds. The invitation to participate is available at
(2)   Conditions of Acceptance of Entries
To be accepted for the competition, entries shall be delivered to the postal address of the organizer, with the postmark date not later than the closing date of the competition. Entries sent in after the closing date are neither accepted for the competition nor included in the next edition of the competition. Eligible for competition are works of art of maximal size 70 x 50 cm for 2D entries and 100 x 70 x 40 cm for 3D entries, weighing 10 kg max., employing various art techniques – e.g. painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, ceramic and mixed media, films, animations, 3D art objects – works of metal, ceramic, wood, glass, textile and paper.

The following identification data must be enclosed to the entries: 
   Child's name and surname
   Child's age, year of birth and gender 
   Name of the entry
   Employed media
   Name, Id. No. and address (street, postal code, town/city) of the school/organization sending the entry; later the addressee will receive information about awards
   Email address of the organization and email addresses of teachers who send in the entries and want to receive information about the competition.
If a child participates as an individual, indicate their name, age, sex and home address, including an e-mail for communication (of a parent of theirs).

(3)   Prize-Giving Ceremony
Invited to the prize-giving ceremony are children from the Czech Republic awarded with the medal for individuals, representatives of the schools awarded with the Prize of the Panel of Judges and selected foreign entrants. Invitation of foreign entrants depends on financial capability of the current edition and is governed by the Rules for the current edition at the ICEFA website.
In August at the latest, prizes for foreign entrants are handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which ensures their dispatch to the embassies in the relevant countries.

(4)   Promotion
The promotion of the competition is taken care of by the Organizer, abroad assisted by Czech embassies and Czech centres. Information about the competition are available at The promotion includes the invitation to participate, posters, the catalogue, invitation cards, the web-site, ads and information in the press and electronic media.

III. Expert Panel of Judges, Awards

(1)   Expert Panel of Judges
The assessment of entries is made by the expert panel of judges; the judges are nominated for the current year, for the 1st and 2nd rounds, by the Organizer. The Organizer selects the judges from among expert in the fields of pedagogy and arts from Czechia and abroad; proficiency of judges in foreign languages is welcomed.

(2)   Chairman of the Panel 
The Organizer assembles the judges, who elect the chairman of the panel at the 1st round session; the elected person is the chairman also for the 2nd round. The chairman moderates the session of the panel.

(3)   Sessions and Decisions of the Panel
The sessions of the panel are non-public, open only to the curator (head of the competition) and the art director (who sets the visual character of the exhibition) and, at the option of the Organizer, guests of honour, e.g. members of staffs of embassies, representatives of entities providing auspices and support and entities taking part in the promotion of the competition. Attendance of the judges and other persons present at the session is recorded in the attendance list.

The panel is quorate if absolute majority of the nominated judges for the given round of the competition is present. The decision is adopted by a public, simple majority vote of the present judges, the judges having one vote each. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. The results of the ICEFA are decided exclusively by the judges, who shall be impartial in their decision-making. Minutes are taken of the session of the Panel of Judges.

(4)   Awards
Types of awards:
    Honourable Mention – a certificate
   "Rose of Lidice" medal for individuals – a certificate and a medal
   "Rose of Lidice" medal for schools for their collection of entries – a certificate and a medal for the awarded school, the entries included in the collection shall receive the Honourable Mention certificate.
   Prize of the Expert Panel of Judges for a school from the Czech Republic – a commemorative item, a certificate and a medal.
   Prize of the Expert Panel of Judges for a foreign school - a commemorative item, a certificate and a medal

The Prize of the Expert Panel of Judges is awarded for an extraordinary collection of artworks sent in by the school and for outstanding long-term work with children. The number of awards is not fixed.

IV. Handling of Entries

(1)   Registration of Entries
The Organizer shall register the consignments of entries received from individual organizations and individuals. The list of registered organizations and individuals shall be published at The entries from the consignments shall be registered so that the registration process could be completed before the 1st round of the competition.

(2)   Rights of the Organizer
The Organizer is entitled to handle every entry solely at its own discretion to fulfill the meaning of the ICEFA. The entries selected by the panel for awards shall be gratuitously transferred by the Organizer into the ownership of the Czech Republic and shall be handled pursuant to the legislation of the Czech Republic, in accordance with the Foundation Charter, these statutes and internal regulations of the Organizer. 
Other entries may be used by the Organizer at its own discretion, e.g. they or their reproductions can be sold or auctioned and the proceeds used for the purposes of the ICEFA. The entries not used by the Organizer can be collected upon prior request by the end of the calendar year. Because of the limited space in the depository, the unrequested entries and all 3D entries will be disposed of subsequently.
The entrant thereby grants to the Organizer the right to assess, award, exhibit, lend and reproduce their entries, transfer them gratuitously into the ownership of the Czech Republic, register them in the Central register, make copies of them in printed, electronic and other forms and the copies publish for charitable and commercial purposes (postcards, posters, calendars, catalogues), use them for the promotion of the ICEFA, perhaps even sell them and keep the proceeds.

(3)   Publishing of Entries, Exhibition
The award-winning entries, and possibly some other entries selected by the Organizer, including the pictorial documents, shall be published at or perhaps by any other appropriate means presented to the public.

The exhibition of the entries selected by the Organizer is held annually. The preview of the exhibition takes place on the occasion of the International Day of Children and the anniversary of the obliteration of the village of Lidice at the turn of May and June. The exhibition continues till the end of November. The venue of the main part of the exhibition is the Lidice Gallery.  At the preview, the prize-giving ceremony takes place. After the end of the exhibition, the entries are deposited in the ICEFA depository and used for other purposes (e.g. touring exhibitions, banner exhibitions, publications).

(4)   Registration of Entries in ICEFA Sub-Collection
From 2020 on, the award-winning entries shall be registered in the ICEFA sub-collection at the Central Registry of Collections of Museum Nature (CES) pursuant Act. No. 122/2000 Sb., on the protection of collections of a museum nature.

V. Personal Data Protection

(1)   Personal Data Processing
To perform the activities stipulated by the Foundation Charter of the Lidice Memorial and the International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts, the following personal data of the entrants are processed. Name, age, gender, address, email, phone no., name of the teacher, their email and phone no., address of the school. These data are used in the administrative work related to the competition, publication of the catalogue and possibly other printed matter concerning the competition and publication of information on the websites and social networks of the Lidice Memorial or in the media. Personal data are kept for three years after the end of the competition; if the entry is registered in the sub-collection, for the period of its registration in the sub-collection.

(2)   Provision of Personal Data
Personal data may be provided to our contractual data processing partners, such as the webmaster of the competition website. The entrant providing such personal data is entitled anytime to ask for information about which of their personal data we process. They have the rights to request rectification or completion of their personal data, restriction of the processing of their personal data, portability of their personal data, information on violation of the protection of their personal data, erasure of their personal data and other rights set out in the relevant laws on personal data protection.

VI. Final Provisions

The statutes may be altered and amended by the Director of the Organizer. It comes into effect on 16 October 2019. On that day, the effect of the previous ICEFA Lidice statutes issued on 1 Nov 2012 is terminated.
In Lidice on 16 October 2019
 Mgr. Martina Lehmannová
Director of Lidice Memorial

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